Food insecurity is a persistent, urgent need, however, it’s certainly not the only need facing members of our community. Families on the margins have various unmet needs which has been a central aspect of our work. In fact, our name intentionally leaves space for them. Hunger is the most direct and tangible issue we address, but our impact goes much further.We aren’t simply a food charity; we’re logistics pros! We’re able to leverage our meal bag program, and now the mobile pantry as well, to regularly fill a variety of families’ other needs—from backpacks and school supplies to winter coats and personal hygiene products.

Government food programs (i.e. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) haven’t kept up with inflation, and notably don’t cover these other necessities. Every dollar a parent can save by not having to purchase them is a dollar they can put toward housing, transportation, and the myriad other essentials they are stretched to provide for their family.
Research has shown—and families tell us directly—that the inability to afford food and other household basics comes with a huge emotional toll. It can even prevent them from promoting healthy habits at home.
We work hard to understand family’s needs more holistically so that we can provide real, meaningful solutions. Much of our focus is on filling the gaps in families’ material needs, but there’s an ulterior motive—filling their needs for compassion and dignity.